The liver plays an important role in digestion, metabolism, immunobiological reactions, etc. The liver is the largest gland of the body with complex and diverse functions. It produces bile, participates in lipid, protein, carbohydrate and other metabolism. It synthesizes blood plasma proteins, neutralizes substances of nitrogenous metabolism harmful to the body, which enter the blood from the digestive organs. The aim of the work was a comparative study of the microscopic structure and morphometric parameters of the liver of pigs of different genotypes. Liver tissue samples of four breeds of pigs were studied, namely: large white Ukrainian breed, large white foreign breed, Poltava butcher and Myrhorod pig at slaughter of 100 kg of animals. The results of the research showed that the liver of pigs consists of uniform small tissue complexes – liver lobes. Microscopically, the liver is made of connective tissue stroma and parenchyma. The stroma of the organ is formed by a capsule, on top of which is a serous membrane. The analysis of morphological studies of the structure of the liver of the studied breeds of pigs showed that hepatocytes are unchanged, no extraneous inclusions were found; the spaces of Disse are not expanded, do not contain fluid. Vessels of moderate blood supply.
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