Feeding and meat production of animals is determined by their genotype and external environment. Under the influence of hereditary qualities and environmental conditions, the development of animals proceeds unevenly. It largely depends on the intensity of metabolism in the body. A clear regularity can be observed in the influence of genetic and paratypic factors on certain economically beneficial traits, which is expressed as follows: the greater the influence of paratypic factors, the higher the level of interaction between the genotype and the environment. The aim of the work was a comparative study of quality indicators of pig meat from different areas of productivity. The results of studies of histological indicators of the longest back muscle of pigs of different productivity indicate the fundamental similarity of their structure. The differences come down to a different ratio between the connective tissue component of the muscle, adipose tissue and muscle fibers. The results of studies on the quality indicators of pig meat of different breeds allow us to state that the quality of pork depends on a number of factors. Meatiness and quality of pork are breed, hereditarily determined traits that can be improved by breeding methods.
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