• H. BIRTA
  • L. FLOKA
Keywords: breed, lard, moisture, protein, fat, iodine value, melting temperature, refractive index


The study of the physico-chemical properties and fatty acid composition of lard lipids of pigs of different weight conditions is of important practical importance in pig breeding for establishing the most optimal terms for slaughtering animals in order to obtain high-quality meat and lard pork. A high concentration of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in triglycerides is closely related to their active synthesis and accumulation in the body, even when pigs are kept on low-fat diets The aim of the research was to study the chemical, fatty acid composition and physicochemical properties of pork lard of different breeds. Physico-chemical properties of lard in pigs of the mentioned genotypes depended on breed and sex. There is an inverse correlation between the melting temperature and the iodine number of lard. With an increase in the iodine number, the unsaturation of fats increases, the melting point of lard decreases. The presence of a larger amount of saturated fatty acids in the lard of the Poltava meat breed caused a higher melting point – 42.9. The highest protein was observed in pigs of the meat production direction – 2.68. The smallest amount of protein was recorded in pigs of the Myrhorod breed – 1.98. An inverse-proportional relationship between the content of protein and actual fat in lard was observed. A greater amount of fat caused a lower protein content.


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How to Cite
BIRTA, H., BURGU, Y., TKACHENKO, A., & FLOKA, L. (2023). QUALITY INDICATORS OF PIG SPINAL FAT. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 31-34. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2023-2-5

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