Development of new cakes with introduction of non-traditional raw material enriched with mineral substances and vitamins
A significant disadvantage of cupcakes is the almost complete absence of important biologically active substances, in particular essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, macro-and micronutrients and vitamins. Therefore, the chemical composition of such products requires significant adjustment in the direction of increasing the content of these substances while reducing sugar and calories. The purpose of the study is a scientific and practical justification for improving the consumer properties of new cakes through the use of non-traditional raw materials and natural food additives. To improve the fatty acid composition of new products, the proportion of margarine in them was replaced by vegetable oils, which are safe and have a higher biological value. The change in the number of introduced natural additives in the formulation of new products affected the organoleptic characteristics. The share of whey and skimmed milk powder was in the range of 10–15 %. This amount of raw materials had a positive effect on the organoleptic characteristics of new products, and the increase – led to the loss of shape. The introduction of new products of non-traditional raw materials into the recipe also contributed to the growth of the content of mineral elements. New flour products have been developed – cupcakes with the introduction of non-traditional vegetable raw materials, milk processing products and vegetable oils (sesame oil, pumpkin oil and walnut oil), which are characterized by improved organoleptic and physicochemical parameters. The positive effect of non-traditional additives on the increase of the content of macro- and microelements and vitamins in new cakes in comparison with the control sample is proved, which influences the increase of satisfaction of the daily need for these nutrients.
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