The cereal market in Ukraine is quite diverse and is represented by both traditional and organic products. The largest producers of cereals in Ukraine are: “Cereal Planet Ukraine”, “Terra”, “HD-groups”, “GalaFoods”, “One hundred poods”, “Khutorok”. Analysis of the labeling of wheat groats Poltavska No. 2 TM “Gadyachanka” gives reason to believe that the manufacturer should pay attention to the labelling of allergens, as required by law and indicate the gluten content on the label. Groats of TM “Gadyachanka” correspond to regulatory documents on indicators of quality and safety. In wheat groats Poltavska No. 2 humidity is 8.8%, copper content – 0.12 mg/kg. Humidity of shelled peas is 5.4%, copper content – 0.24 mg/kg. Humidity of barley pearl barley is 6.4%, copper content – 0.2 mg/kg. Metal-magnetic impurities and pests were not detected in any sample of cereals. The amount of pesticides in all samples is lower than the sensitivity of the device. Further research is planned to be devoted to the scientific aspects of the implementation of the food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP in the production of cereals.
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