Keywords: organic cookies, fatty acid composition, polyunsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids, lipids


The article investigates the effect of hemp and rye oil on the fatty acid composition of cookies. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids ω -3 and ω -6 in hemp oil has been found to be balanced for human health and in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization. Rye oil is characterized by a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The developed samples “Janet” and “Flory” were selected as the object of research. A sample “Elitephito oil” (organic hemp oil) was chosen to make “Flori” organic cookies. Unrefined Organic rye oil is used for the production of “Jane”t cookies. It contains a significant amount of unsaturated linoleic (31.5%), oleic (19.8%) and eicosenic (9.9%) acids. It was found that the content of saturated fatty acids in the developed samples decreased significantly. In the “Flori” cookies – by 39%, in the “Janet” cookies – by 45%. The content of low-saturated fatty acids on the contrary increased. In the “Janet” cookies – by 23%, and in the “Flori” cookies – by 67%. The content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are considered to be the most valuable for human health, has increased significantly. The content of linoleic acid increased in the sample “Flori” 2 times, and in the sample “Janet” – 2.88 times. The linolenic acid content increased 31 and 48 times, respectively. The qualitative composition and quantitative content of fatty acids in the test samples were determined by gas-liquid chromatography on an Agilent 6890 instrument (Agilent Technologies, USA). The results of the study are of practical importance for the food industry.Further prospects of the study will be devoted to the study of the oxidation of lipids in cookies during storage.


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How to Cite
TKACHENKO, A. (2022). SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL RATIONALE FOR THE USE OF ORGANIC OILS TO IMPROVE THE FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF COOKIES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 30-34.

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