Keywords: kvass, HACCP system, dangerous factors, product description, production block diagram, validation, verification, safety indicators


The purpose of the article is the scientific justification of the implementation of the HACCP system in the production of kvass. In order to achieve the set goal, kvass was described, a technological block diagram of production was developed, dangerous factors were analyzed and a HACCP plan was developed, and the planned HACCP was also verified through microbiological studies. To conduct the experiment, the decision tree method is used, as well as microbiological methods of microbiological research of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms, bacteria of the Escherichia coli group. The product description states: name, regulatory document, organoleptic, physicochemical and safety indicators, packaging, terms and conditions of storage, expected group of consumers. The block diagram of kvass production consists of the following stages: water preparation; preparation of sugar syrup; preparation of fermented wort; preparation of yeast; fermentation; blending, cooling; carbon dioxide saturation; preparation of containers; pouring; storage of finished products. As a result of the study, it was established that the most significant dangerous factors can occur at the stage of bottling products into kegs, namely the reproduction of MAFAM and BECG. It is this stage of the technological cycle that is chosen as the covered control point. Other dangerous factors (physical, chemical, biological) can be prevented by implementing and validating prerequisite programs. According to the conducted microbiological studies, kvass meets the indicators of regulatory documents. Thus, the development of a HACCP plan in accordance with 12 consecutive steps and a detailed analysis of dangerous fashion factors leads to the production of safe products and minimizes the recall procedures of finished products.


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How to Cite
TKACHENKO, A., & MOLCHANOVA, N. (2023). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE HACCP SYSTEM IN THE PRODUCTION OF KVASS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 28-33.

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