• I. CHONI
Keywords: chaenomeles, cranberries, blueberries, waste, pomace, extraction, extractant, juices, beverages


The article is devoted to the use of aqueous extracts obtained from juice pomace in the technology of beverage production (juices, soft drinks) as a source of organic acids and biologically active substances. The article is aimed at using extracts from juice pomace in the technology of juice-containing soft drinks. It is known that more than half of primary resources go to waste, which significantly pollutes the environment and changes the composition of air, soil, and water during decomposition or combustion. The reuse of recycled plant materials is of great environmental, economic and technological importance. It has been established that one of the most common methods of extracting nutrients from fruit pomace is extraction. The research was conducted with juice production waste – pomace from blueberries, cranberries and chaenomeles. The study results confirmed that the pomace is a rich source of biologically active substances and should be used in food technology. Water, aqueous solutions of organic acids, and water-alcohol solutions were used as extractants. The optimal conditions for the extraction of fruit pomace were determined. The obtained aqueous extracts of chaenomeles were used as a source of organic acids in the technology of carrot and beet juice production as a substitute for citric and ascorbic acids. Aqueous extracts from blueberries and cranberries are recommended for use in soft drink technology as natural colorants. It has been confirmed that the extracts obtained using juice production waste can be a source of organic acids (extracts from chaenomeles), natural colorants (extracts from blueberries and cranberries) in beverage formulations.


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How to Cite
KHOMYCH, G., NAKONECHNA, Y., CHONI, I., MOLCHANOVA, N., & LYTVYN, M. (2023). THE COMPLETE PROCESSING OF GRAPES FOR ALCOHOLIC AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 10-18.

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