Research on innovative approaches to the development of restaurant business establishments is a promising area of functioning of establishments, which contributes to improving their image status in particular and the socio-economic development of the country. The article examines the current state and prospects of development of the restaurant business in Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century. The restaurant industry plays an important role in the socio-economic development of the country, becoming an important element of national and global economic relations. The main factors affecting the restaurant business are assessed, including economic and political challenges, such as the war, which has reduced tourist flows and damaged infrastructure in certain areas. However, internal migration and the development of domestic tourism in less affected regions are stimulating demand for restaurant services. The article analyzes the trends in the use of vegetable raw materials in the preparation of dishes, in particular the introduction of colored dough based on spinach, which not only improves aesthetics but also increases the nutritional value of products. In addition, the expansion of the production program of restaurant business enterprises through the introduction of innovative technologies allows to distinguish the institution from competitors and increase the number of visitors who are focused on the consumption of quality products with high biological value. The article focuses on the key aspects of designing modern restaurant facilities, such as ergonomics, environmental friendliness, aesthetics and compliance with sanitary standards. Particular attention is paid to the concept of open kitchens, which add show elements to the establishment and increase customer confidence. The aspect of planning a restaurant with the help of special graphic editors is also relevant, which allows solving the issue of rational layout of premises at the planning stage. Innovative technologies, including the use of induction cookers and conveyor pizza ovens, which increase the efficiency of the establishment, are considered.
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