The research of the use of combined structure forming agents in gelatin and fruit additives with high functional and technological properties in dessert technology is a promising direction for expanding the range of sweet dishes with a gelatinous structure and contributes to the increase of their biological value. The article is devoted to the study of the use of henomeles processing products ( puree and gelling juice) as a component of combined structure formers in the technology of souffle dessert. The current state of the use of fruit additives in the technology of food products with a gelling structure is analyzed. Previous results have proved the effectiveness of using pectin-containing raw materials of plant origin as a structuring agent as a component of a combined gelling additive in the technology of dessert sweet dishes. The main aim of the article is to study the use of henomeles processing products as a component of a combined structure formation system in the technology of making souffles. The chemical composition of three varieties of henomeles fruits (Vitamin, Citrine and Orange) was studied. The quality indicators of puree from henomeles fruits and gelling juice from henomeles pomace were determined. It has been found that the selected varieties of henomeles and their processed products (mashed potatoes and gelling juice) are characterized by a significant content of biologically active substances, including pectin, phenolic substances and L-ascorbic acid. Henomeles recycled products are characterized by high acidity, which complicates their independent use in food technology, but proves the feasibility of using them as a fruit additive with high gelling properties. The results of the experimental studies confirm the feasibility of using the processed products of henomeles as a 50% replacement of gelatin in the recipe composition of the souffle dessert. New recipe compositions of soufflé using henomeles processing products have been developed. The organoleptic evaluation of the produced soufflé, its structural-mechanical, physicochemical and microbiological parameters were carried out. It has been established that the addition of puree and gelling juice from henomeles to the recipe of dessert products (soufflés) allows reducing the part of gelatin in their composition, increasing the biological value of the dessert, and the production of gelling juice from pomace also introduces the complex processing of henomeles fruits.
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