• I. CHONI
Keywords: grapes, extract, pomace, beverages, fermentolysis, waste, secondary raw materials, complex processing


The article is devoted to the complex processing of raw materials, the use of secondary products after the processing of Moldova grapes as a source of biologically active substances in the technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The aim of the research. the processing of grapes to obtain alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages using grape juice and hydroalcoholic extracts from grape pomace. Research methods – organoleptic, physical, chemical methods for determining the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products. Results. An analysis of the quality indicators of grapes, juice and pomace was carried out and their rich chemical composition was confirmed, and the presence of a significant content of phenolic and coloring compounds makes it possible to use the products of its processing as a natural antioxidant. To obtain juice, the method of direct extraction was used as the most rational in the conditions of the restaurant industry. The expediency of using the extraction process with a 50 % water-alcohol solution of pomace from grapes has been established. A technology for carrying out the extraction process is proposed and the quality indicators of the obtained extract are determined. The directions of using grape juice in the technology of blended juices and soft drinks, water-alcohol extract from pomace in the technology of low-alcohol drinks are considered. It is shown that the drinks have a balanced sweet-sour taste, pleasant aroma with light refreshing tones, increased nutritional and biological value, which indicates the possibility of using grape juices and water-alcohol extracts from pomace in the composition of drinks. Conclusions. The expediency of introducing complex processing of Moldova grapes in the technology of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is proved.


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How to Cite
KHOMYCH, G., LEVCHENKO, Y., & CHONI, I. (2022). THE COMPLETE PROCESSING OF GRAPES FOR ALCOHOLIC AND NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 55-62.

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