The article is devoted to the substantiation of the possibility of using the products of chaenomeles processing as a natural food additive. Studying the perspective and effectiveness of the use of natural ingredients, which have potentially high physical and chemical properties due to their unique composition, in food technology is important in terms of healthy eating. The aim of the article is to substantiate the possibility of using chaenomeles processing products as a natural food additive in marinades, canned vegetables and meat semi-finished products. It is established that the products of chaenomeles processing (juice, pomace, extracts) are characterized by high content of phenolic substances, organic acids, pectin and carotene content. The presence of a significant amount of malic acid in the organic acids of chaenomeles allows you to use the products of its processing as a natural regulator of acidity in food and as an alternative to replacing table vinegar. The dependence of the active acidity index of juice on the hydromodule was determined and it was found that the active acidity index chaenomeles of 9% acetic acid solution is 3.95 units. pH, and the required hydromodule of chaenomeles juice with an initial pH of 2.5 will be 1:1. The effectiveness of the use of chaenomeles juice in marinades, canned vegetables and semi-finished meat products has been studied. The use of chaenomeles juice for pre-treatment of raw materials (mushrooms), where the complex of its own enzyme system is active, prevents it from darkening during processing. The presence of powerful antioxidants in chaenomeles extracts inhibits the oxidation of myoglobin and hemoglobin in the process of processing marinated beef meat, improves its taste and gives a pleasant fruity aroma. The use of chaenomeles juice in food technology not only improves the organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties of finished products, but also increases their biological value.
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