• G. Khomich
  • О. Horobets
  • I. Choni
  • Yu. Nakonechna
  • O. Volodko Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: restaurants, zoning, interior, exterior, drinks, desserts, innovative approaches


The article is devoted to the analysis of proposals for the development of restaurant business establishments at the design stage. The primary aspect in the implementation of new projects was the need to ensure an adequate level of security and protection of visitors and staff from the impact of hazards that may arise as a result of hostilities or emergencies. An important step to eliminate or reduce the impact of these hazards is to design shelters or other protective structures. The article also describes the main directions of greening of restaurant business enterprises. The article considers aspects of using energy-efficient heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, using environmentally friendly building materials: low-emission and highly renewable, water-saving technologies to reduce water consumption, energy saving systems, implementation of energy-efficient technologies and installation of green roofs or walls to improve thermal insulation and reduce the heat island effect in cities. Modern automated systems such as «AutoCAD», «Revit», Matterport», «3ds Max», «SketchUp», «Sweet home 3D» help to optimize the process of designing and developing the interior design of restaurant establishments. When designing a restaurant for young people, you should also take into account the peculiarities of the restaurant's menu. The use of healthy food in the menu, which is one of the current trends in the food industry, stimulating the development of new technologies for preparing dishes and drinks with improved nutritional and biological values. The article analyzes the implementation of restaurant space zoning. In particular, it is proposed to provide a comfort zone, a game zone, and a study zone in restaurant establishments.


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How to Cite
Khomich, G., HorobetsО., Choni, I., Nakonechna, Y., & Volodko, O. (2024). NEW APPROACHES TO THE DESIGN OF RESTAURANT FACILITIES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 25-31.

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