Use of secondary plant raw materials in technology of sweet dish and finishing semi-fabrications

  • G. Khomych
  • A. Horobes
  • Y. Levchenko
  • N. Tkach
  • Y. Dobryn
Keywords: henomeles squeezes, gelling juice, panna cotta, chocolate mirror glaze, elasticity, plasticity, elasticity, viscosity


The chocolate-based sweet dishes and finishing semi-finished products belong to the category of products that they are in high demand among consumers. In addition, the desserts on the base of cream are very popular. The generalizing feature of these products is the use of a gelling agent. There is a large amount of plant material today, which due to the presence of pectin has gelling properties. More promising in this regard is the use of waste from the processing of the plant materials, since the marc contains maximum pectin substances. The process of gelling juice from secondary plant materials is the best way to recycle waste. The improving existing technologies for production is a promising area of research. The purpose of the researches was to study the effect of the recycling waste of chaenomeles (gelling juice) on the quality of panna cotta and mirror glaze. To study of the structural-mechanical, the physicochemical and the organoleptic characteristics in semi-finished products and finished products. Research Methodology. We used standard methods of determination of the structural and mechanical, organoleptic indicators, and methods that allow to determine the consistency of the developed products. Results. The possibility of improving the organoleptic, physico-chemical and structural-mechanical properties of finished products through the use of a complex combination of gelling components - gelatin and gelling juice was established. The optimal concentration of gelling juice was selected to obtain products of acceptable quality. Findings. The new technologies have been developed for sweet dishes and finishing semi-finished products, had high characterized of quality, extended shelf life, microbiological stability and recommended for implementation in the restaurants.


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How to Cite
Khomych, G., Horobes, A., Levchenko, Y., Tkach, N., & Dobryn, Y. (2021). Use of secondary plant raw materials in technology of sweet dish and finishing semi-fabrications. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 91(1), 21-28.

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