Keywords: currant, currant, puree, pectin substances, phenolic substances, anthocyanins, gelation, strength, melting point, solidification, panna cotta, organoleptic, microbiological indicators


The development of innovative technologies using ingredients of natural origin with functional properties is a promising direction for expanding the range of sweet dishes and increasing their biological value. The article is devoted to the study of various types of currant berries and the use of their processing products (puree) in the technology of obtaining the panna cotta dessert. An analysis of the current state of use of currant berries in food technology was carried out, the value of pectin substances contained in the composition of currant berries and their role in the formation of jellies were characterized. Preliminary results proved the effectiveness of using pectin-containing raw materials of plant origin as a structure-builder, as well as the feasibility of using puree or juice from currant berries as a gelling additive instead of gelatin in the production of sweet dessert dishes. The purpose of the article is to study different types of currants (black, red, white) and their use in the technology of making panna cotta dessert. It has been confirmed that all types of currants contain a significant content of biologically active substances, in particular, pectin, phenolic substances and L-ascorbic acid, and their processing products can be recommended for use in the formulation of food products with gelling capacity. Based on the results of experimental research, it is proposed to make changes to the recipe composition of the classic panna cotta and use gelatin and currant puree as structure-builders, which will replace part of the gelatin. The strength of the resulting jelly was determined depending on the type of currant puree added. It is shown that the melting and solidification temperature of experimental samples using puree from different types of currants as part of pana cotta is higher compared to the control. The obtained results of microbiological studies indicate that berry puree added to desserts inhibits the development of microorganisms due to organic acids. The use of currant puree in the production technology of the panna cotta dessert has a positive effect on the organoleptic, structural and mechanical indicators of the finished product and increases its biological value.


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How to Cite
KHOMYCH, G., HOROBERS, O., BORODAI, A., MOLCHANOVA, N., & HAIVORONSKA, Z. (2023). RESEARCH OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF CURRANTS AND THEIR USE IN THE TECHNOLOGY OF THE PANNA COTTA DESSERT. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 13-21.

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