Use of fruit juices in technology of marinating seafood
In Ukraine, there is a clear trend of increasing demand among consumers for the use of seafood of high nutritional value and of the most ready for consumption. The improvement of the technology of marinating hydrobionts through the use of fruit raw materials is considered. The aim of the study is the using fruit juices in seafood marination technology to improve their organoleptic performance and functional and technological properties. Methods of researches. Standard methodologies for structural-mechanical and physical indicators have been used. Results. The characteristics of the chemical composition of semi-finished products with different fruit raw materials are investigated. The technique of marination using the juice of chaenomeles and cranberries is proposed. Factors influencing the quality of hydrobionts in the marination process were analysed. The use of juice from chaenomeles and cranberries in rapane meat marination technology for softening the structure and improvement of organoleptic indicators have been substantiated and proved experimentally. The possibility of substituting acetic acid as a softening of connective tissue, improving the taste and aroma of natural, contained in the original vegetable raw material has been established. Conclusions. Improved technology of marination for semi-processed products of seafood (shrimp and rapanas) through the use of pre-marination in fruit juices (chaenomeles and cranberries). Recipes for new culinary dishes have been developed using marinated semi-processed seafood.
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