• O. Horobets
  • Yu. Nakonechna
  • A. Milka Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Yu. Levchenko Poltava State Agrarian University
  • I. Skulska Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv
Keywords: Restaurant Business, Customer Experience, Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality (AR) Menu, Food Delivery, Restaurant Hubs, Zero Waste Concepts, Waste Monitor


The article examines modern technical solutions for optimizing the operation of restaurant establishments. Current trends in the development of the restaurant business, which continues to adapt and grow despite the challenges of the war, are analyzed. The article provides facts that motivate restaurateurs to abandon traditional methods of service and implement modern innovative technologies and management approaches to meet the various needs of customers. It was noted how the experience of the international market can contribute to the improvement of service in Ukraine, and the relevance of research into the latest solutions in the field of designing and organizing the work of catering establishments was also pointed out. Innovations that can affect a high level of competition, attract new customers and satisfy their needs are analyzed. The importance of technological progress for the restaurant business in Ukraine has been established, in particular, the possibility of pre-ordering, access to Wi-Fi and viewing the menu online, convenient payment methods. The possibilities of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) in the design of catering enterprises have been analyzed. AI has been found to help restaurants predict food demand, optimize procurement, reduce waste and improve staff management. By analyzing data about customer preferences, such systems drive more efficient pricing and help restaurants cut costs and increase profitability, making businesses more responsive and competitive. It is noted that thanks to AR technologies, visitors can view 3D images of dishes, receive information about ingredients, cooking methods, as well as recommendations for combining dishes and drinks. The use of AR menus has been found to increase the average check and encourage guests to order more, providing them with a new, innovative experience in interacting with the restaurant. Explores the mechanism and benefits of food delivery, which helps restaurants connect with customers and expand their audience, including through partnerships with delivery services. The popularity of "virtual" restaurants and hubs, which unite various establishments and offer a wide choice in common spaces, is also growing. The delivery market is growing rapidly to meet the demand for varied and healthy meals, and new technologies such as drones promise to further improve the process.


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How to Cite
Horobets, O., Nakonechna, Y., Milka, A., Levchenko, Y., & Skulska, I. (2024). INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO ENGINEERING SUPPORT OF CATERING ESTABLISHMENTS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 44-49.

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