The importance of reducing food waste lies in its impact on the environment, as it prevents food from ending up in landfills, reduces methane emissions and reduces carbon footprints. Food waste is a global problem, both from an economic and environmental point of view. The purpose of the study is the analysis of technological and production processes in restaurants in order to develop recommendations for reducing food waste. The research methodology is also based on the synthesis and analysis of information material, the study of scientific and practical developments of domestic and foreign specialists in the field of restaurant business. The production process in a restaurant can be conditionally divided into several stages: drawing up a menu; ordering raw materials and products; storage of raw materials; mechanical culinary processing of raw materials; preparation of products; decoration of dishes before serving. To solve the problem of food waste, it is necessary to completely revise the approaches to the processes of production organization. Solving the problem of low-waste production begins with work on the establishment's menu. This direction includes several aspects: the concept of the institution, the formation of a rational product line with the aim of the most complete use of raw materials; portion size and control. The choice of suppliers is also an important factor in the zero waste concept chain. Locomotion is becoming a popular trend in the world. Innovations related to the technology of preparing culinary products help in the implementation of low-waste production; introduction of modern technological equipment. To solve the problem of food waste, it is necessary to completely revise the approach to the production of culinary products in restaurants. We have identified the main structural elements of the production process that can minimize the amount of waste.
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