• O. BILYK
Keywords: ice cream, ginger, banana flour, stabilizer, biologically active substances, recipe


Based on data from domestic and foreign literature, ginger was chosen as a recipe component in the production of ice cream. It has a high content of antioxidants and substances that exhibit anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and hypotensive properties. Ginger has an original taste and aroma, which is caused by a group of phenols and gingerols. Ginger juice, paste, and syrup were produced independently. Their taste properties and chemical composition were studied. The highest amount of dry matter was found in ginger syrup due to the addition of sugar. However, in terms of the content of proteins, fats, and minerals, preference is given to ginger paste. Banana flour, which contains 40.9–58.5% resistant starch and 6.0–15.5% dietary fiber and phenolic acids, was selected as an additional stabilizer. It was found that the dry matter content of the experimental ice cream samples was slightly higher compared to the control due to the addition of banana flour and ginger processing products. The physical and chemical parameters of ice cream were studied. A slight increase in density in the test samples and viscosity was found, leading to a slight decrease in whipping. Ice cream with ginger syrup was the closest to control. Owing to the introduction of banana flour, the resistance to melting is slightly increased. Thus, resistance to melting when using banana flour and ginger syrup increases by 24%, and when adding banana flour, ginger paste, and ginger juice by 7.5%. The organoleptic indicators of ice cream were studied. The addition of various ginger processing products was reflected in the intensity of the taste, namely: with the addition of ginger syrup, the ice cream had a pleasant tart-burning taste and aroma; with the addition of ginger juice and paste, a rich, spicy taste with increased spiciness was felt. Recipes were developed, and the technological scheme of ice cream production with ginger processing products and banana flour was improved.


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BILYK, O., SLYVKA, N., & MYKHAYLYTSKA, O. (2023). JUSTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF GINGER ICE CREAM TECHNOLOGY. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2022-3-3