Use of raw materials containing inulin in the technology of diabetic sand products

  • A. Rogovaya
  • I. CHoni
  • L. Polozhyshnikova
  • E. SHidakova-Kamenyuka
Keywords: diabetes, shortbread cookies, chicory, inulin, moisture, ability to absorb water, density


Diet for diabetes is a necessary part of treatment. It is imperative to use drugs that lower blood sugar levels. One of the ways to expand and improve the range of flour confectionery products for nutrition of patients with diabetes can be the use of plant materials, which have the ability to lower blood sugar levels. These include chicory root, which contains inulin. The purpose of the work is to develop a technology for shortbread cookies with chicory root powder. Standard structural-mechanical and physical methods were used. The object of the research is a shortbread product with nuts and cocoa powder. On its basis, samples of products with different concentrations of chicory powder (5, 10, 15 % by weight of wheat flour) were studied. Sugar in the recipe was replaced by fructose, which has a low glycemic index. It is well absorbed by the body, it is recommended in the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus. Fructose is sweeter than sugar. Accordingly, it needs less. The effect of the additive on humidity, water absorption and density of finished products was investigated. It has been found that the moisture content of foods decreases due to a decrease in the amount of flour in the recipe. There is a slight decrease in density and an increase in the ability to wet. Cookies with chicory powder are characterized by increased friability, good porosity and pleasant aroma. In terms of fat and carbohydrate content, the new product practically does not differ from the control sample. The amount of protein increases. The cookies contain inulin, which helps lower blood sugar levels. Thus, based on the study of physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators, it was found that the content of chicory powder in the technology of cookies on fructose is recommended 10 ± 2 % of the amount of flour.


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How to Cite
Rogovaya, A., CHoni, I., Polozhyshnikova, L., & SHidakova-Kamenyuka, E. (2021). Use of raw materials containing inulin in the technology of diabetic sand products. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 8-15.

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