Study of the quality of color transfer of led lamps and lamps

  • S. Shpak
  • L. Guba
  • Y. Basova
  • S. Bagirov
  • G. Kozhushko
Keywords: LED lamp, lamp, color, color rendering, correlated color temperature, color difference


The results of the study of color parameters of LED lamps and fixtures entering the Ukrainian market are presented in the paper. The purpose of the research was to determine the quality of color rendering using different techniques - CRI, CQS and TM 30-18, as well as to deviate the color of the lamps and luminaries from their nominal values, set by regulatory documents. The requirements for the color of LED lamps and fixtures, as well as the problems of estimating the quality of color rendering using the CRI methodology and the main provisions of the new techniques- CQS and TM 30-18 are considered. Color parameters (color coordinates, correlated color temperature (СCT), deviation of color coordinates from nominal values in the degrees of McAdam ellipses) and color quality indices by CRI, CQS and TM 30-18 methods were calculated on the basis of spectral measurements carried out using MK 350 S Premium, which has software to automatically calculate the above parameters. LED luminaries and incandescent lamps have been shown to have a correlated color temperature (CСT) mainly in the range of 3000-6600 K with deviation of color coordinates from the nominal normalized values to the 7-step McAdam ellipses. The color deviations of the outdoor lighting fixtures reach 20 degree ellipses. The total color rendering index of the investigated lamps and lamps is in the range of 66-93 units. The differences between the results of the CRI (Ra ) color rendering quality assessment compared to the CQS (Qa ) and TM 30-18 (Rf) estimation (in the Ra range from 66 to 90 units) are generally insignificant. For Ra> 90, the CRI method overestimates Ra by more than three. It is noted that LED products on the Ukrainian market by the level of color parameters are significantly inferior to the level of products of leading world manufacturers, which provide deviations of color coordinates from nominal values within 3-step McAdam ellipses and color rendering with Ra≥80. The paper also makes recommendations on the use of methods for evaluating the color rendering of LED products. For LED products with high color rendering quality, it is not enough to use the CRI technique. CQS and TM 30-18 should be used additionally.


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How to Cite
Shpak, S., Guba, L., Basova, Y., Bagirov, S., & Kozhushko, G. (2021). Study of the quality of color transfer of led lamps and lamps. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 91(1), 105-116.