• O. BILYK
Keywords: technology, fermented dairy beverage, cereals, spelt, flour, quality indicators, storage


Based on the literature data, spelt flour was chosen as a recipe component in the production of a fermented milk drink. Spelt protein is characterized by its high digestibility and excellent biological value. This grain also contains a high amount of unsaturated fatty acids and many phytosterols. Incorporating spelt into one's diet helps alleviate stress, fatigue, and nervousness, normalizes blood pressure, promotes immune system strengthening, regulates blood sugar levels, assists in optimizing the functioning of the brain and gastrointestinal organs, and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and oncology. The aim of the research is to determine the potential use of spelt in the production of dairy products and to provide a scientific rationale for the formulation of a gluten-free fermented dairy beverage while investigating its quality parameters. The research methods described in the article are generally accepted and were in force at the time of their implementation. The results of experimental studies confirm the effectiveness of incorporating spelt into the technology of fermented dairy beverages. It was found that the best option for beverage production involves adding spelt flour at a rate of 3% of the mass of the normalized mixture during cooling and mixing before bottling. The addition of spelt resulted in an increase in the viscosity of the fermented dairy beverage. This can be attributed to the hygroscopic properties of spelt grains, which lead to an enhanced moisture-holding capacity of the product. Consequently, the conducted research has deepened our theoretical understanding of the use of cereal crops in the production of fermented dairy beverages. The finished beverage with spelt is characterized by its therapeutic and preventive properties due to the presence of plant bioactive substances in its composition and is suitable for consumption by individuals with gluten intolerance.


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How to Cite
NAGOVSKA, V., BILYK, O., MYKHAYLYTSKA, O., & SLYVKA, N. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF FERMENTED DAIRY BEVERAGE WITH GLUTEN-FREE CEREALS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 5-12.