Features of identification and quality assessment of avocado

  • G. Birta
  • E. Goryachova
  • L. Floka
  • Z. Rachinska
Keywords: avocado, identification, variety, quality


Ensuring the preservation of fruits and vegetables, uninterrupted supply of them requires specialized knowledge in the field of identification of fruits and vegetables, quality and safety indicators, methods and techniques of packaging, labeling, transportation and storage - both traditional for Ukraine and imported tropical and subtropical fruits, some species vegetables entering the Ukrainian market in recent years in significant volumes and a wide range. Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the features and identify and assess the quality of avocados entering the consumer market of Poltava. Methods. Standard organoleptic, physical and chemical methods were used. Results. The identification of avocado varieties sold in Poltava was carried out and the compliance with the requirements in terms of quality and safety was determined. The studied samples of avocado in varietal identification were classified as Fuerte and Hass. Studies have shown that the samples meet the quality requirements to the established requirements, the varietal characteristics of avocados have little effect on quality indicators. Conclusions. Avocado varieties sold in Poltava have been identified. Avocado fruits sold in Poltava are characterized by a sufficient level of quality and organoleptic properties.


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How to Cite
Birta, G., Goryachova, E., Floka, L., & Rachinska, Z. (2021). Features of identification and quality assessment of avocado. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 54-61. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2020-1-7