Keywords: food additives, natural colouring agents, anthocyanins, blackberry, blueberry, elderberry, mulberry, black currant, chokeberry


The concept of food additives is considered in the article. A special place among food additives belongs to colouring agents used in various branches of food industry. Colouring agents are divided into natural, synthetic and inorganic. Nowadays, the range of synthetic is quite wide against to natural ones. The aim of the work was to summarize scientific and technical information on potentially productive raw materials to get of natural food colouring agents – anthocyanins, analysis of technologies for (raw materials) processing. Anthocyanins colour plant organs in violet, blue, dove-coloured, crimson, and pink. Anthocyanins are powerful antioxidants; they bind oxygen free radicals and prevent from damaging cell membranes. The raw materials, rich in anthocyanins (blackberry, blueberry, elderberry, mulberry, black currant and chokeberry) were chemically studied. Analyzing the obtained data, we can conclude that the mentioned raw materials are not only the colouring agents but appear to be also a source of biologically active substances. As distribution of anthocyanins in fruits is uneven the fruit peel contains, is by 3–7 times more than the juice, it is desirable to take a comprehensive approach to processing of the raw materials. So you can get the juice, to be concentrated later. The received pomace can be extracted: to get coloring substances; dry and obtain powder to; boil soft and cream, in order to obtain a puree or paste. Thus, you can get several products that would act as a dye or dietary supplement. However, when developing natural colouring agents, one shall to remember that the color of natural anthocyanins depends on the structure, the pH of the environment, the formation of complexes with metals, the ability to adsorb on polysaccharides, depends on temperature and light.


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LEVKIVSKA, T., DUSHCHAKО., & ABOVІANS. (2022). PROSPECTS OF OBTAINING ANTOCYAN COLOURING AGENTS FOR THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 10-15.