Research of the impact of quality on the competitiveness of imitated surimi products

  • N. Ofilenko
  • V. Nazarenko
Keywords: surimi products, quality assessment, competitiveness, quality index, retail price, prototype, competing product


The aim of the work was to develop a new methodology for determining the competitiveness of goods on the basis of their quality characteristics and consumer value, as well as to determine with its use the competitiveness of crab sticks of domestic and foreign production. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the consumption properties of antimony products and their competitiveness was used. The impact of quality indicators on the competitiveness of surimi products was found. Research methodology. In the study of quality indicators, the commonly used methods, which are provided by state standards, were used. The determination of competitiveness was based on a comparison of the parameters of the studied product with the parameters of the product that most fully reflects the requirements of consumers. Purpose. To study the consumer indicators of quality of surimi products and determine the competitiveness of crab sticks of domestic and foreign production. For the first time, a comparative assessment of the consumption properties of surimi products and their competitiveness was used using the new method. The influence of quality indicators on the competitiveness of surimi products is revealed. The subject of the study was surimi products, namely crab sticks of the premium brand, manufactured by Aquafrost LLC; the Santa Bremor trademark (manufactured by the Republic of Belarus); the Crab Krabych trademark (manufactured by Lithuania); the VICI trademark (manufactured by Lithuania) and the Water World trademark manufactured by Aquafrost LLC. The subject of the study was the consumer properties of the product and their consumption value. Research methods. In the study of quality indicators, we used the standard methods prescribed by national standards. The determination of competitiveness was based on a comparison of the parameters of the investigated product with the parameters of the product, which most fully reflects the requirements of consumers according to the newly developed method. To determine the consumption properties of the product (crab sticks) used the standard method according to DSTU ISO 4121: 1987 Sensory analysis. Scaling of food products. The newly developed method of assessing competitiveness was carried out by determining the relative quality index and the relative retail price index. For the first time, a method for determining the competitiveness of goods based on the indices of the consumer properties of the goods and the consumption value was developed and implemented. The influence of consumption properties and cost on the competitiveness of crab sticks of domestic and foreign manufacturers was studiedIt is proved that the competitiveness of crab sticks depends on their quality and cost. The most competitive in the market of surimi products imitated, and therefore the best in quality were the crab sticks manufactured by TM “VICI”, TM “Krab Krabych” and TM “Premium”. The developed method and the studied indicators of quality and competitiveness make it possible to use them in forming the range of products in retail trade.


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How to Cite
Ofilenko, N., & Nazarenko, V. (2021). Research of the impact of quality on the competitiveness of imitated surimi products. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 91(1), 99-104.