• T. Brovenko
  • H. Тоlоk
  • P. Pazunka National university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine
Keywords: safety, quality, food products, Petrifilm test systems


Product quality depends on raw materials, production conditions, storage conditions (packaging, air temperature, lighting), personnel hygiene, transportation conditions, etc. It is important to comply with the requirements and rules of production control regarding the use of modern methods that make it possible to detect microbiological risks in advance and prevent contamination of food products with microorganisms. Modern means of detecting indicator microorganisms in the production of food products make it possible to organize sanitary measures in a timely manner and thereby ensure the quality of food products according to microbiological indicators. During monitoring, Petrifilm is used, which optimizes microbiological studies of food products; In particular, the use of Petrifilm allows to reduce the time and resources spent on microbiological research. An analysis of the main modern food environments used for transportation, cultivation, isolation, identification and separation of food microorganisms was carried out. The analysis of meat food products was carried out using test tablets designed for the quantitative detection of various groups of microorganisms. Convincing analysis and assessment of the quality and stability of Petrifilm properties undoubtedly ensure the reliability and validity of the results of microbiological studies of meat food products and production surfaces.


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How to Cite
Brovenko, T., ТоlоkH., & Pazunka, P. (2025). EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF FOOD PRODUCTS BY PETRIFILM METHODS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2024-3-6