The purpose of the research is to assess the quality of the wheat grain in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Technological properties of soft winter wheat grain of Ukrainian breeding varieties Darunok Podillia (control) and Aliot, as well as European varieties Skagen, Nordica, Avenue, which are respectively of German, Czech and French origin, were studied. It was established that the grain has standard indicators of freshness and quality. This allows it to be used not only for fodder purposes, but also in other areas of processing, including for the production of cereals and flour. Grain of Darunok Podillia variety belongs to the third class of wheat. The decrease in quality was influenced by the vitreousness of the grain (35.9%), as well as the bulk density (759 g/l), which corresponded to the norms of the second class of soft wheat grain. Grain of Aliot variety is defined as wheat of the third class according to the indicator of natural weight, (737 g/l) and vitreousness (only 32.7%). Instead, wheat of Nordica variety was identified as a third-class grain due to vitreousness – 39.2%. The leader in terms of natural weight (804 g/l) and vitreousness (58.4%) among the variants of the experiment, the French wheat variety Avenue is also determined as only the third class in terms of the number of falling number (209 s). And the best wheat sample in terms of a number of indicators is Skagen variety, which is distinguished by high values of falling number (284 s), vitreousness (42.4%), and by bulk density (731 g/l) is classified only into the third class. The decrease in grain quality of wheat of Skagen and Aliot varieties could be influenced by its content of impurities, where the predominant admixture is determined to be a lighter impurity fraction. In order to improve the quality of the German Skagen selection grain and the Ukrainian Aliot variety, we recommend it to be additionally cleaned from organic impurities. Grain of Darunok Podillia, Aliot, Avenue, Nordica and Skagen varieties can be used for flour production. Highly vitreous grain of the French wheat variety Avenue is recommended for cereal purposes.
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