Identification and research of quality of pyrotechnic household products
Wide representation on the domestic market of pyrotechnic products of domestic and foreign production encourages a detailed study of pyrotechnic household products, in particular, their identification, labeling analysis, study of indicators that characterize the method of use. The purpose of the article is to solve a set of tasks related to the identification of pyrotechnic household products, in particular, to assign them to a certain hazard class. Research methodology. Theoretical and empirical methods according to standardized methods are used. Results. Packaging and labeling of pyrotechnic household products are analyzed. The degree of conformity of details of marking of pyrotechnic products to requirements of regulatory documents is established. The marking of the object of research on the content of information does not meet the requirements for expiration date or warranty period and date of manufacture; information data of the manufacturer; identification features; other information that is due to the specifics of pyrotechnic products. Identification of pyrotechnic products by indicators of weight of pyrotechnic mix, duration of action (burning), radius of flight of sparks is carried out. The hazard class of pyrotechnic household products is determined. Conclusions. Pyrotechnic household products imported to Ukraine have been identified. It is established that pyrotechnic household products can be classified as hazard class 1 according to the current standard in terms of duration of action and radius of flight of sparks. It is established that cake fountains imported to Ukraine must be accompanied by additional instructions.
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