Analysis of the flower market of Ukraine

  • G. Golodyuk
  • N. Gurgula
Keywords: flowers, export, import, flower market, trade, quality


Review of the current state of the market of flower products and factors influencing the formation of the market in Ukraine and study of the main trends and prospects of development. Analytical and statistical methods of data processing were used during the research. In the course of the work the data of the State Statistics Committee, materials of articles and Internet conferences on this research topic were used. It is based on methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization. The state of the market in Ukraine is analyzed and the research of the main producers of flower products is carried out. A study of the conditions and prospects for the development of the flower market. It is established that the market of flower products is currently not fully formed, as evidenced by the constant change in the structure and participants of this market. The indicators of import and export of flowers in Ukraine and the factors that determine their dynamics are analyzed. The world leaders in the production of flower products in terms of range are described. The information on domestic participants of the flower industry is given and the problems connected with the development of floriculture in Ukraine and the sale of finished products are identified. Ukrainian flower business cannot be considered a new industry for Ukraine. However, it is highly profitable and has a steady upward trend. Recently, there has been a noticeable tendency to increase both the number of private entrepreneurs and large international companies that produce high quality products. Analysis of trends in the market of flower products in Ukraine makes it possible to use them in further research.


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How to Cite
Golodyuk, G., & Gurgula, N. (2021). Analysis of the flower market of Ukraine. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 89-96.