The aim of the research is to substantiate scientifically the recipe and technology of culinary cut semi-finished products of high nutritional value based on freshwater aquaculture of Ukraine (silver carp) and sesame seeds which contain a considerable amount of plant fibers, essential amino acids, arotinoids, phytosterols, antioxidants (lignans – sesamin and sesamolin) as well as macro- and micronutrients. Generally accepted and standard methods were used to determine the physicochemical, functional and technological and organoleptic indicators of the quality of raw materials and finished products. On the basis of experimentally established chemical indicators of silver carp meat of white spring catch, the coefficients of food saturation, protein flooding, proteinwater and lipid-protein coefficient of this aquaculture were calculated. It was determined that the content of protein in the meat of silver carp was 6,5%, and fat was about 17%. Thus, the lipid and protein coefficient of silver carp meat is 0,37, which corresponds to medium-fat fish species with a delicate texture. Nutritional value of sesame seeds analysis has shown that the amount of protein in it is 46%, fat is 13,5%, dietary fiber is approximately 16,2%, which indicates the advisability of using this raw material as an enricher. It has been determined that the rational amount of sesame meal was 10% by weight of fish. Improved fish cut semi-finished products have showen the improvement of organoleptic properties, juiciness, reduction of weight loss during heat treatment, as well as a significant increase in the amount of protein (by 1,24…3,44%), dietary fiber (by 1,12…1,97% ), lipids (by 0,64… 2,32%) and mineral residue (by 0,35… 1,03%). The obtained positive results anable to recommend the developed recipe for implementation and usage in the restaurants.
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