Keywords: bread, pumpkin flour, variety, culinary quality, wheat flour


As a result of the conducted research, it was established that pumpkin variety from which the flour was obtained had an effect on certain sensory indicators of bread quality. The crust colour in the control version is light brown. When enriching bread with pumpkin flour of different varieties, the crust colour became brown and did not change depending on the variety. The crumb colour had a significant influence on pumpkin variety from which the flour was made. So, in the control version, this indicator was white, in Danko Polka, Ukrainskyi bahatoplidnyi and Mozolievskyi 15 varieties – cream; Butternut, Muskatnyi 2 and Cabbage 3 – yellow, and in Potimarron – dark yellow. The crumb consistency in the control version is quite delicate, juicy and soft. In pumpkin flour bread, crumb consistency was also quite delicate, quite juicy, soft, but it was characterized by a slightly sweet taste, which is characteristic of pumpkin flour and did not change depending on the variety. All test samples of bread have a slightly rough crust surface with short cracks, with a gloss occupying 25% of the crust, corresponding to 5.0 and 3.0 points, respectively. The control version had good elasticity – 7.0 points, the remaining varieties had average elasticity – 5.0 points. The crumb was baked, dry to the touch, without lumps and traces of kneading. The crumb consistency in the control version is rather delicate, juicy and soft, which corresponded to 7.0 points. In pumpkin flour bread, the crumb consistency was stiff, slightly dry – 5.0 points, and did not change depending on the variety. According to the parameters of product consumer evaluation, the indicators of smell and taste in all studied options corresponded to 9.0 points. The smell and taste, which characterize nontraditional raw materials, is absent (9.0 points) and do not change depending on pumpkin variety. So, the culinary evaluation showed that the variety does not have a significant effect on bread culinary quality, but only affects crumb colour, which is due to the variety feature. Further research will be aimed at measuring and analyzing physico-chemical quality indicators, safety indicators of these bread samples.


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How to Cite
LIUBYCH, V., ZHELIEZNA, V., & NOVIKOV, V. (2023). CULINARY QUALITY FORMATION OF PUMPKIN FLOUR BREAD OF DIFFERENT VARIETIES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 5-10.