The purpose of the article is to analyze the latest research and publications on environmental quality management; identifying previously unresolved issues and long-term forecasting challenges. Research methodology. Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool for studying the interaction of human society and the natural environment within a single economic and ecological system. Results. For the convenience of perception of the material, the concepts of environmental safety, environmental assessment were introduced and a system of criteria for such assessment was developed. The article clarifies the understanding of the concepts of “air pollution”, “specialization of industrial enterprises”, “specialization of agriculture”. on the use (pollution) of natural and extracted resources. In particular, the activity of the region on the use of the following resources: air, water and energy was assessed. Restrictions on the use of natural resources are presented in the region as a whole. The model takes into account the integrated indicator of degradation of the region and environmental damage of the region from soil pollution. Within the framework of the problem statement and the constructed model the ecological and economic efficiency of regional nature management is estimated. The constructed model is a model of the multicriteria optimization problem with a system of linear constraints. In the simplest case, it can be solved by reducing the criteria to dimensionless values using the method of constraints. Practical significance of research results. The constructed model can be used to model more complex, for example, ecological, economic and social systems, or applied to the needs of practice.
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