Keywords: natural dyes, osmotic dehydration, wasteless technology, Beta vulgaris, Sambucus nigra


Dyes are widely used in the food industry for the production of a variety of food products. As a general rule, manufacturers prefer artificial food colors that are more stable during heat treatment and storage. At the same time, consumers prefer natural dyes that are safe for the human body. In the modern world, the requirements for the quality and safety of additives are constantly increasing. Multifunctionality is an important indicator that determines the choice of the consumer. The purpose of this study is to develop a waste-free technology for obtaining natural food dyes, anthocyanins and betacyanin, from plant materials. The object of research is the technology of processing plant raw materials by the method of osmotic dehydration. Affordable raw materials were chosen as the subject of the study: red beet (Beta vulgaris) and black elderberry (Sambucus nigra). This raw material is not only a source of coloring substances (anthocyanins and beta cyanine), but also contains vitamins, dietary fiber, antioxidants, amino acids, and minerals. The proposed processing mode allows you to save the biological value of beets and elderberries. According to the developed technological scheme, a liquid dye is produced based on an osmotic solution and a powder dye, made from the main part of the raw material. Thus, the resource potential of raw materials is used in full. The physicochemical properties of liquid dyes (mass fraction of sucrose and solids) are analyzed. The high content of sucrose in dyes makes them an attractive raw material for the production of many food products. The SWOT analysis method identified the strengths and weaknesses of this technology, the prospects and difficulties associated with the introduction of this technology into production. It has been established that the developed technology has a number of advantages, including: the availability of raw materials, environmental friendliness, a shorter overall process time, the highest biological value of dyes, their multifunctionality, and the versatility of the technology.


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How to Cite
SAMILYK, M. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF A WASTE-FREE TECHNOLOGY FOR OBTAINING NATURAL DYES FROM PLANT RAW MATERIALS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 49-54.