• S. O. DUDNYK
Keywords: flour confectionery products, cake dough, pumpkin seeds, buckwheat flour, kinetics of heating, heat treatment


The use of non-traditional raw materials to give flour confectionery new consumer properties and to increase it nutritional and biological value enables a change of the rheological properties of dough semi-finished products and the need to adjust the technological parameters of the production. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the use of non-traditional raw materials, in particular, pumpkin seeds and buckwheat flour on the kinetics of heating of cake products and to establish rational parameters for baking dough semi-finished products. The change in temperature of the samples during the heat treatment was measured by means of chromel-droplet thermocouples. To measure the temperature of different layers of dough semi-finished products, thermocouples were placed at different height of the dough semi-finished product. The results of the study showed that the use of non-traditional raw materials (pumpkin seeds and buckwheat flour) causes a change in the kinetics of heating of dough semi-finished products. Therefore, this non-traditional raw material affects the processes that occur during the baking of semi-finished dough. A study of cake products with pumpkin seeds and buckwheat flour revealed that they need 3 minutes longer of baking time than products using traditional technology. At the same time, it might be useful to reduce the temperature in the working oven by 5°C to ensure better height formation of the products and to avoid their burning. Thus, a slight increase in baking time will not cause excessive energy consumption. Based on the obtained results, the recommended parameters for baking of cake products with pumpkin seeds and buckwheat flour are determined as the following: baking time – 28 minutes at 205 … 210ºС.


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KAPLINA, T. V., STOLYRCHUK, V. M., & DUDNYK, S. O. (2022). KINETICS OF HEATING OF CAKE PRODUCTS WITH PUMPKIN SEEDS AND BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 42-46.