Abstract. Nutrition is one of the most important factors in human life, it directly affects health, work capacity, physical and mental development. Development of low-calorie products that are beneficial for the health of consumers is an actual area of development of food technology. For the optimal functioning of all organs and systems in the body, nutrition must be complete and balanced. Among the food components that are of particular importance for human health, the most important role belongs to proteins of plant origin, since recently there have been negative changes in the diet of the population of Ukraine, associated with the reduction of the vast majority of products. This led to the development of a shortage of essential nutrients: proteins, vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The use of vegetable proteins is also advisable because, unlike proteins of animal origin, they do not increase the level of cholesterol in the human body. The balance of the amino acid composition of vegetable proteins is less than the balance of proteins of animal origin, but protein products of plant origin also have advantages – low calorie content, absence of lactose in the composition and subsequently in the finished food product. The purpose of the research is to optimize the technology of extracting protein products from waste processing plant raw materials. In this work, a mixture of defatted pumpkin, hemp, and flax seed cakes was used. As a result of the conducted research, the technology for extracting protein isolate from the defatted mix of vegetable raw materials was optimized, and the optimal modes of the process were determined. A vegetable protein with excellent organoleptic indicators was obtained. It was established that the amount of extracted protein isolate increases when the pH value increases. It is proposed to use the obtained vegetable protein as an emulsifier in mayonnaise sauces, in recipes of baby food products, in recipes of food dishes for athletes in order to prevent protein deficiency in the human body. In the composition of food products, vegetable proteins have a positive effect on the organoleptic indicators of food: appearance, color, taste and texture.
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