• N. Palko
  • O. Davydovych
  • S. Zayats Lviv University of Trade and Economics
  • O. Horobets Poltava University of Economics and Trade
Keywords: technology, production, recipes, cupcakes, non-traditional raw materials, organoleptic indicators, score evaluation, physico-chemical indicators, nutritional value, energy value


Today, considerable experience has been accumulated in the scientific and practical activities of the production of flour confectionery products in terms of improving technologies and expanding the range of products enriched with natural physiologically important components. Specialists in food technology are faced with the task of developing resource-saving technologies that ensure rational use of raw materials, wider involvement of local and non-traditional types of raw materials, increasing the quality and biological value and reducing the energy value of flour confectionery products. The article presents the results of scientific research on improving the recipe composition of cupcakes. The possibility of using non-traditional raw materials (pea flour and walnut leaf powder) in cupcake recipes to increase nutritional and biological value was studied. The recipe was developed and the technological process of the cake production was improved with the use of new additives. The analysis of the organoleptic assessment was carried out and the physico-chemical parameters of the control and experimental samples of the manufactured cupcakes were determined. The effectiveness of partially replacing wheat flour, following the recipe, with pea flour and walnut leaf powder has been proven. It is proposed to introduce new cupcakes production technology in restaurants.


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How to Cite
Palko, N., Davydovych, O., Zayats, S., & Horobets, O. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF CUPS TECHNOLOGY USING NON-EDIBLE RAW MATERIALS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 12-17.