The purpose of the article was to define the concept of "electronic waste", to analyze the current state of its disposal, to determine the reasons for the ineffectiveness of electronic waste management mechanisms and to compare this situation with the situation in different countries of the world, in particular the EU. The paper shows the situation with electronic waste in Ukraine and the differences from the similar situation in developed countries. The scope of application of the EU Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment is considered. The problem of processing and disposal of electronic products in Ukraine at the current stage is named, in particular, the low level of understanding of the priorities of environmental protection and the benefits of sustainable development, the imperfection of the system of environmental education and enlightenment. The essence of electronic waste processing as an important source of secondary raw materials in the circular economy paradigm is revealed. It is shown that the significant volumes of waste accumulated in Ukraine and the lack of effective measures for their prevention, generation, processing, disposal, disposal and safe removal deepen the ecological crisis and become an inhibiting factor of sustainable development. The objects of the negative impact of electronic waste on the environment and the factors of shortening the life cycle of electronic goods are named. Conclusions were made about the development vectors of the electronic waste management system until 2050 in two directions: finding ways to prevent the impact on the environment, the health of citizens, and processing of precious metals. Another direction of development is to consolidate the niche of refurbished electronics in Ukraine.
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