The nutritional value of the kavbuz was studied, considering that it is a molecular hybrid of the pumpkin, research data compared to the content of important nutrients in the pumpkin. The main technological parameters of obtaining kavbuz puree are substantiated. The physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators of the quality of the finished product were studied. It was investigated that the total dietary fiber content in kavbuz puree is 3.2%, in particular, the fiber and hemicellulose content is 1.7%, water-soluble and water-insoluble pectin, respectively, 0.62 and 0.88%. It has been studied that in the process of preparing kavbuz puree, the vitamin content decreases by 15...30% compared to the raw material and is: vitamin E – 0.9 mg, P – 45.4 mg, β-carotene – 8.4 mg, B4 – 78 .5 mg, flavonoids – 253 mg per 100 g of product. It is advisable to use the squeezes that remain after squeezing the juice from the pulp of the kavbuz to obtain a kavbuz-pectin paste. We have developed a principle-technological scheme for obtaining kavbuz-pectin paste, substantiated the main parameters of the process. The main indicators of the quality of a pectin-containing product have been determined. The physico-chemical parameters of kavbuz-pectin paste were studied: the mass fraction of dry substances (by refractometer) is 12.5%, the mass fraction of pectin substances is 0.9%, the total acidity (in terms of malic acid) is 0.4%. The organoleptic parameters of kavbuz-pectin paste were determined by a descriptive method. In appearance, kavbuz-pectin paste is a paste-like homogeneous, evenly rubbed mass with minor inclusion of pulp particles; the product has a sweet-sour, clean, kavbuz-like taste, with a pleasant vegetable smell, and a rich orange color. The resulting products of kavbuz processing – puree and kavbuz-pectin paste can be used to obtain products in public catering establishments (mousses, jellies, casseroles, etc.), in the production of bakery and confectionery products for functional and medical and preventive purposes.
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