Condition of milk and dairy products market in Ukraine
The purpose of the article is an analytical investigation of the current condition of milk and dairy products market in Ukraine and the study of trends of its development. Methodology of the study The authors of the article analyzed the work of scientists on the market of milk and dairy products. The statistical, analytical and expert assessment of specialists in the dairy industry, which is represented in the works of scientists in the Internet sources, is considered. Processing of analytical information involved the use of a system of both general and special research methods. Method of analysis, synthesis, theoretical knowledge, conclusions and generalizations are among them. The article deals with the analysis of the state of milk and dairy products market in Ukraine. Trends in dairy consumption are considered. The research identified and analyzed a number of negative factors in the dairy industry that affected the domestic and foreign markets of Ukraine: a decrease in the number of cows, a decrease in the number of processing enterprises, high cost of raw materials, purchasing power of the population, increases in imports. The impact of negative factors contributed to the immediate intervention of the state in order to stop the decline of the dairy industry by means of a number of measures which include: increasing the number of cows, investing in the dairy industry and state support, increasing milk production per year and increasing milk processing, ensuring competitiveness of domestic products on domestic and foreign markets, increasing the consumption of dairy products as well as increasing exports of dairy products. The market of milk and dairy products of Ukraine is characterized by a negative development tendency, which is determined by the low level of consumption of these products, reduced production and processing of milk, increases in imports. The negative dynamics of the development of milk and dairy products market has influenced the development of a number of measures to stop the decline of the dairy industry, which is represented in the National Program for the Development of the Dairy Industry until 2030.
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