Requirements for articles
1. The article is submitted in one of the languages: Ukrainian, English, German. Articles are published in the original language. The presentation of the article should be clear, concise, without repetitions, edited, not contain grammatical errors.
2. The article is accompanied by an annotation submitted in Ukrainian and English (extended version) in languages with a complete bibliographic description of the article and keywords. An abstract in English must be at least 1800 characters long, including keywords. If the publication is not in Ukrainian, it is accompanied by an annotation in Ukrainian of at least 1800 characters, including keywords.
3. Annotations should be structured.
Annotation structure:
• The aim of the study;
• research methods;
• results;
• conclusions.
4. The key words include 5–7 words or phrases.
5. Articles edited in the MS Word text editor, taking into account the formatting requirements (one and a half line spacing, font Times New Roman № 14, width alignment), should be provided electronically.
6. A4 page format (210 × 297).
7. The volume of the article is 10–20 pages.
8. Line spacing – one and a half, margins of pages (mm): top – 20, bottom – 20, left – 20, right – 15.
9. The structure of the article:
• place the UDC index in the upper left corner of the page;
• title of the article in two languages;
• initials and surname of the author (authors) in two languages;
• abstract in two languages;
• keywords in two languages;
• the main text of the article;
• list of references.
The main text of the article should have the following structural elements:
• problem statement in general and connection with the most important scientific or practical tasks;
• analysis of the latest research and publications in which the solution of the given problem is initiated and on which the author relies, selection of previously unsolved parts of the general problem to which the mentioned article is devoted; during the analysis it is expedient to use foreign works and to emphasize how this scientific problem is solved abroad;
• formation of the goals of the article (task statement);
• presentation of the main material of the study with a full justification of the obtained scientific results:
• object and subject of research;
• used research methods and equipment, organization of research;
• statistical evaluation of the obtained results;
• analysis of the obtained results;
• conclusions on these issues and prospects for further research in this area.
Presenting the main material, it is necessary to emphasize the scientific novelty of the results obtained by the author (authors) personally. The article should contain information that allows you to reproduce the above research. When using generally accepted methods, it is necessary to provide references to relevant regulatory and technical documents, directories, previous articles.
10. In the presentation of the material of the article should use the impersonal form of verbs. Physical quantities must be represented in the SI system (during the presentation of personal research of the authors) and in other systems that have been used by other authors (during the presentation of the analysis of foreign research).
The design of the article should be in the same style (text, function, variables, matrix-vector, number - in Times New Roman font, and Greek letters and symbols - Symbol).
11. Formulas and symbols that are included and mentioned in the text are typed only in the formula editor Microsoft Equation 2.0 (and later versions). Each new line in the formula must be a separate object, except for systems of equations joined by a curly brace or matrices.
Formulas are placed in the space after the text, the text after the formula - also in the space. Numbering of formulas - in parentheses, with alignment on the right edge of the text.
12. Images should be provided in black and white and WMF (created directly in Word or saved in the specified format and must be grouped), BMP, or PCX and placed in a frame.
Illustrations, charts, diagrams, tables should be black and white. The figure should be placed after the link to it in the text of the article, it should have a number and title.
13. Tables are drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the State Standard of Ukraine and placed either in the text of the article or on separate pages in the sequence in which the article refers to them.
14. References to cited sources and their bibliography must comply with the State Standard of Ukraine. The use of sources is mandatory, a list of which should be provided at the end of the article. It is recommended that you use at least five items in the bibliography for research articles.
The list of sources used should be provided in the language of the original sources and in transliteration.
The bibliography should consist of two blocks:
• LITERATURE - sources in the original language, designed in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 “Information and documentation. Bibliographic link. General provisions and rules of compilation".
• REFERENCES - the same list of references transliterated in the Romance alphabet (recommendations according to the bibliographic standard APA (American Psychological Association).