Publication fee
All articles recommended by the Editorial Board are published on a fee basis. The author (s) should pay after the acceptance of confirmation of the article’s approval for publishing. The articles are subject to an anonymous peer-review and check for plagiarism; after, the authors receive payment details of the publication fee.
The articles are checked for plagiarism using the software developed by the Polish company
After receiving confirmation from the editorial board that the article has been accepted, the requisites for payment of the publication fee are provided.
It is mandatory to send a scanned receipt for the cost of publishing a scientific article. The cost of publication is 1100 UAH (up to 12 pages inclusive). Each additional page is paid separately in the amount of 50 UAH.
If desired, an author can order a printed copy of the journal. The cost of a printed copy is UAH 800, which is paid in addition to the publication fee.
The author should send payment confirmation (a scanned receipt or its photo) in electronic form to
An example of naming electronic files: Shevchenko_І.І._article, Shevchenko _І.І._receipt.