The use of sea buckthorn in the technology of modern flour products
There are many opportunities for improving the health and nutritional profiles of a flour confectionery products range. The opportunities for replacing or reducing fat in flour confectionery products depend on the sub-group being considered. Fat makes significant contributions to product structure formation as well as texture and flavour. The successful reduction of recipe fat requires a thorough understanding of the different roles that this ingredient play in the manufacture of different flour confectionery products sub-groups. Fat replacers are offered in the market place but none are able to deliver the required functionality on a one-to-one basis. In practice the reduction of recipe fat levels is likely to require multiple formulation changes, complemented by processing changes, or the introduction of new technologies. There are numerous, naturally occurring raw materials which may be considered as sources of health benefits in a flour confectionery products. Some may already be permitted and the numbers continue to increase. Unlike flour fortification approaches, the addition of such materials is not without its challenges. These may be broadly grouped into two broad categories; technological functionality and heat stability. The high temperatures in the oven and associated baking times may lead to degradation of some of the components added in the first instance to deliver health benefits. Minerals are heat stable but the same cannot be said for vitamins, and often their survival into the finished product is questionable. In the pursuit of reduced energy confectionery products, the recipe fat is most often a target for reduction or replacement in recipes because of its greater energy contribution compared with carbohydrates or protein. The work purpose is to improve the technology of craffins and waffles by using raw materials of high biological value - sea buckthorn puree. Standard research methods of structural-mechanical and physical-chemical indicators of product quality are used. The article describes the technologies of craffins and waffles, shows the possibility of using sea buckthorn puree in the recipe. The raw materials quality indicators are investigated. The study results of the additive effect on the dough and finished products quality indicators are given. The optimal amount of sea buckthorn puree has been determined. A new recipes have been developed. A patents have been received.
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