• D. Rakhmetov M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine
  • K. Kostetska Uman National University of Horticulture
  • S. Kovtun-Vodyanytska
  • S. Rakhmetova M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine
  • S. Klymenko Uman National University of Horticulture
Keywords: camelina, mustard, oil cake, wheat macaroni flour, formula, macaroni products, technological assessment, quality


By-products of the processing of mustard and camelina seeds into oil have a high nutritional and energy value, which indicates the possibility of their use in the manufacture of food products. The aim of the research was to determine technological properties of the macaroni products enriched with camelina and mustard oil cake flour. Mustard and camelina oil cakes were dried, grinded and added to the formula of dough made from wheat macaroni flour (groats) in different proportion (3%, 5%, 10%, 15%). The studies have shown that the highest moisture content of macaroni products is in the control ones, which were made from wheat groats. When adding flour from the oil cake, the moisture content decreased. The highest acidity of enriched macaroni products is with the addition of 3% of flour from the oil cake with a value of 5.0 degrees, the lowest is in the variant with the largest content of the oil cake (15%) – 3.2 degrees. It was established that the acidity in other samples is in the range of 4.3–4.8 degrees. The duration of cooking macaroni products until ready, depending on the amount of flour from mustard and camelina cakes, is 7–10 minutes. In the control variant, this indicator was the lowest, in the samples with flour from oil cake duration of cooking increases. Thus, when mustard flour is added in the amount of 3%, the cooking time is 7.2 min., 5% - 7.5 min., 10% - 8.5 min., 15% - 9.6 min. With a similar dosage of camelina flour in the amount of 3%, the duration of cooking is 7.5 mins, 5% - 8 mins., 10% - 9 mins, 15% - 10 mins. The largest coefficient of increase in the mass of the products was determined in the control sample, and the smallest with the introduction of 15% flour from the oil cake with values of 1.40–1.44%, which is 20–22% less than the control. All variants of macaroni products met the norms of the standard in terms of the amount of dry substances that passed into cooking water. In macaroni production technology, it is recommended to add 5–10% of flour from camelina and mustard cake.


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How to Cite
Rakhmetov, D., Kostetska, K., Kovtun-Vodyanytska, S., Rakhmetova, S., & Klymenko, S. (2025). EVALUATION OF MACARONI PRODUCTS ENRICHED WITH BY-PRODUCTS OF OIL PRODUCTION. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (3), 21-26. https://doi.org/10.37734/2518-7171-2024-3-4