Prospects of production of sour milk drink at the expense of sesame flour
The issue of increasing the biological value of fermented beverages is urgent, as most of them have functional properties. The functional properties of fermented beverages are associated with the presence in them of useful strains of living microorganisms, capable of restoring the natural protective properties of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. The purpose of the research is to improve the technology of sour milk drink in the type of kefir, by introducing into the composition of dietary fiber, vitamins, macro and microelements with sesame flour. Standard physical, chemical, organoleptic methods were used. The article presents the composition of sesame flour, determines the optimal amount that it is expedient to enter into a fermented drink, in order to give it a positive taste. The basic technological scheme of production of fermented milk drink with the addition of sesame flour is offered. The technological scheme of production of fermented milk drink with the addition of sesame flour in the form of a suspension is proposed. It is calculated to meet the needs of the body when consuming 200 g of low-fat kefir and fermented milk beverage containing 1% sesame flour. Calculations have shown that the introduction of a suspension of sesame flour leads to the highest increase in the content of iron and dietary fiber in milk drink, which allows 8.4% to meet the needs of the body in these nutrients. The presence of dietary fiber in sour milk drink enriched with sesame, increases its antioxidant activity. It is confirmed by mathematical calculations that the use of fermented milk drink with calcium-containing raw material, in the form of sesame flour, by 25 % provides the daily requirement of the body for calcium. Research has found that sesame flour not only enhances the energy value of the fermented milk beverage, enriches it with nutritional nutrients, but also acts as a stabilizer, binds excess moisture, improving the product's storage capacity. The change in titrated acidity during storage was analyzed and it was found that the maximum acidity level in the sample with sesame flour was 96ᵒТ, which is 34ᵒТ less than the limit of the standard SSTU 4417:2005.
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