• S. Lukyanuk Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Expertise of the Security Service of Ukraine
Keywords: renewable production, circular economy, value preservation strategies, design for renewable production, product life cycle, electronics


In recent years, the field of circular economy, in particular, renewable production in the electronics industry, has attracted considerable attention due to its various benefits and key role in the implementation of fundamental principles of value preservation. This is due to the alarming rate of use of natural resources and, as a result, the risk of shortages of some resources, as well as environmental, social and economic changes in the economy. Shifting from a linear economy, where products are discarded after use, to a circular economy, where products and materials remain in the system as long as possible, will contribute to a more sustainable future. These are innovations in production and consumption. Innovations where we move away from resource-intensive models of production and consumption to efficient processes, where innovation will drive change, which is essential to achieving the goals of sustainable development. The rapid development of technologies in the modern electronics industry and the growing demand for new devices are accompanied by significant volumes of electronic waste, which negatively affects the environment and the consumption of natural resources. In response to these challenges, value retention strategies (VRPs), which are key elements of the circular economy, are gaining increasing attention. This paper discusses ways to implement VRP in electronics manufacturing, which involves optimizing processes at all stages of the product life cycle, from raw material extraction to its disposal. The introduction of VRP in the electronics industry has the potential to significantly reduce waste and reduce the negative impact on the environment. This is achieved by extending the life cycle of products, reusing components and materials, and implementing more efficient recycling methods. However, the effectiveness of VRP implementation largely depends on the specifics of the industry and the particular conditions of use. On the other hand, in other segments, such as consumer electronics, where product refresh cycles are less intensive, VRP can be implemented at lower costs and faster. Among the advantages of VRP are not only lower material costs and reduced dependence on primary resources, but also the possibility of creating new business models based on product maintenance and reuse. However, the disadvantages may include the difficulty of integrating these processes into existing production chains, as well as the need for significant changes in business structure and staff training.


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How to Cite
Lukyanuk, S. (2024). THE VALUE OF REMANUFACTURING PROCESSES IN THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 32-38.