• A. Geredchuk
  • A. Borodai Poltava University of Economics and Trade
  • Yu. Matsuk
  • T. Lystopad Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Keywords: bakery product, gluten-free raw materials, pumpkin seed cake, physical chemical property, porosity, technology


The article is devoted to the topical issue of expanding the range of bakery products based on glutenfree flour compositions. The aim of the research was to develop technology and recipes for gluten-free Easter baked goods with high nutritional value and original taste. Standardized methods for the study of physicochemical parameters were used in the work. The chemical composition of gluten-free vegetable raw materials was investigated. It was found that craft pumpkin and flaxseed cake has a significant amount of proteins (48.2% and 31.7%, respectively) and dietary fiber (5.6...6.2%). Also, after cold pressing, they retain a fairly significant amount of fat (within 22...24%). Therefore, it is advisable to use them to enrich dietary baked goods. The model recipes for Easter pastries included sorghum flour, green buckwheat flour, chickpea flour, millet flour, and pumpkin and flax seed cake. Pumpkin puree, sugar, coconut oil and cocoa butter, yeast, and spice and flavor ingredients were used as additional raw materials. The products were made in a no-steam method. The parameters of the technological process of gluten-free dough preparation were studied in the laboratory and the optimal modes were determined. The proofing time was 150 minutes. It was found that the rational amount of pumpkin cake was 10.0%, and flaxseed cake was 6.0%. The samples produced by optimized technologies have uniform thin-walled porosity (51.0...53.0%), high protein content (6.73...7.85%), harmonious taste and attractive color. The results of microbiological studies showed that on the seventh day of storage at a temperature of 18...20 °C in the package, the cakes have satisfactory safety characteristics, as well as good organoleptic characteristics without signs of staling and spoilage. The technology of dietary bakery products was introduced at “MONDIALE bakery” (Dnipro, acts of September 16, 18, 2024).


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How to Cite
Geredchuk, A., Borodai, A., Matsuk, Y., & Lystopad, T. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY OF DIET BAKERY PRODUCTS. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 5-11.