• V. Bilobrov
Keywords: sensors, measuring devices, laser radiation, piezoresonance, electric drive, automated systems, piezoresonance laser calorimetry


Modern society is constantly searching for accurate and reliable methods of measuring various parameters, such as temperature, pressure and humidity. This is due to the need for accurate data for scientific and engineering research, as well as for ensuring quality control of processes in industry. One of the key elements in the field of measurements are sensors and measuring devices. Sensors and measuring devices play an important role in today's world, providing collection and analysis of data on various parameters of the environment. The development of new types of sensors and the improvement of their calibration methods is crucial for the accuracy and reliability of measurements. In this scientific work, the main aspects of the application of piezoresonant sensors will be considered. The direction of development of the frequency-controlled piezoresonant sensor and devices (generators, filters and sensors) is the rejection of varicap in the control circuit and frequency control by direct influence on the resonator elements. Which makes the use of piezoresonant sensors for monitoring and diagnosing the condition of electric drives important. An overview of the technology of piezoresonant sensors, their advantages, as well as practical examples of automated control systems that use these sensors to increase the reliability and efficiency of electric drives is conducted. Dynamic control of such a piezoresonant sensor can be ensured by micro-movement of the moving electrode of the resonator using a linear electrodynamic drive (LED).


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How to Cite
Bilobrov, V. (2024). APPLICATION OF PIEZORESONANCE SENSORS IN AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEMS OF ELECTRIC DRIVES. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (1), 5-10.