Substantiation of the technologies of the gluten-free cupcases with adding of the chia seeds
Creating new gluten-free products and improving cooking technologies is a promising area of research. Celiac disease – a chronic, genetically determined need that develops in the work of gluten intolerance with the development of atrophy of the small intestinal mucosa and the malabsorption syndrome preserved with it. The purpose of the research is to scientifically substantiate the recipes and technologies of gluten-free muffins based on buckwheat and rice flour using chia seeds, which saturates the body with a high content of nutrients, in particular, protein, essential fatty acids оmega-3, antioxidants, minerals and minerals. Chia seeds contain significant amounts of protein (18… 22 %), fats (30… 35 %), dietary fiber (18… 30 %), ω-3, ω-6 fatty acids and minerals. 100 grams of seeds contain 94 % of daily magnesium, 63 % of calcium and 59 % of iron. Chia seeds improve cardiovascular function, dental condition, strengthen bones, lower blood cholesterol.In the course of the research, standardized methods of determining physicochemical, functional-technological, andorganoleptic parameters were used. The recipe for gluten-free muffins based on buckwheat and rice flour was developed, flour, 10… 15 % chia seeds, butter, sugar, eggs, essence, ammonium, salt. The оrganoleptic parameters such as shape, surface, color, taste, odor, and fracture surface were found to be in compliance. It is determined that when more buckwheat and rice flour are added, the moisture of the dough increasing.It should be noted that the loss of moisture at the end of the warranty period in the developed samples is 7-8 % less than in the control, the suitability of cupcakes for consumption is extended.Optimal concentrations of herbal supplements have been determined forwhich a positive effect is maintained. The images obtained show that, compared to the control sample, it has a specific content of 0,2-0,5 cm3/100 g. Possibility of improvement of organoleptic, physicochemical parameters of finished products by the use of chia seeds has been established. New technologies for gluten-free cupcakes have been developed. The finished products are characterized by high quality, extended shelf life and recommended for use in restaurant establishments.
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