Classification of technical textiles the path to quality and safety product

  • L. Chursina
  • O. Gorach
Keywords: technical textiles, classification, quality, nonwovens, technical products


The purpose of the article is an in-depth analysis of the existing classification system of technical textiles in the world. On the basis of the conducted analysis of literature sources to offer its domestic classification. Research methodology. Methods of logical analysis, generalization of results of previous researches and scientific literature on questions of modern classification of technical textiles, statistical data on volumes of its manufacture are used. Results. Based on the analysis of the global sector of technical textiles, we can conclude that recently the production of textile products in the world is developing rapidly and it is characterized by investment attractiveness and rapid payback. Technical textiles have gained great popularity due to the expansion of the range and areas of application, the emergence of new advanced methods and technologies of production, the use of new raw materials. But despite the wide range of technical goods today there is no consensus on the creation and streamlining of the classification of technical textiles, and the lack of an international classification system of technical textiles. Today there is a huge difference in the approach to the classification of technical textiles, so for further development of technical textile production, deeper study, material properties and unification of work to assess the quality of products in this subsector, it is extremely important to have a clear classification. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the classification of technical textiles in the world, the main criteria by which technical textiles could be classified in Ukraine are identified and a hierarchical classification of technical textiles is proposed. The presence of a clear classification of technical products will allow you to invest in this sub-sector of production in order to manufacture a variety of goods for different functional purposes.


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How to Cite
Chursina, L., & Gorach, O. (2021). Classification of technical textiles the path to quality and safety product. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", 96(1), 113-120.