Keywords: bioconversion of starch, amylolytic enzymes, modified starch


Modern and popular fat substitutes in food products are maltodextrins, which are widely used both in our country and abroad. The production of these starch products requires strict compliance with the technological regime, namely it requires uniform stepwise heating of the starch suspension, as a result of violation of which the special properties of maltodextrins – their thermoreversibility – may be lost. It is important to simplify the temperature regime while preserving the properties of the finished product. The aim of the work was to study the influence of technological conditions on the properties of maltodextrins and to improve the technological scheme of their production. In order to study the technological conditions for the production of maltodextrins, a study of the enzymatic hydrolysis of a suspension of potato and corn starch with a concentration of 30% under different temperature regimes using enzyme preparations of bacterial α-amylase of different thermal stability and dosage was carried out. The degree of hydrolysis was monitored by the value of glucose equivalent (GE). Maltodextrins obtained in experiments under different temperature conditions, with the same GE, have different properties, some are able to form gels upon cooling (obtained withtemperature pauses), others are not. In the course of the experiment, it was observed that a gradual rise in temperature slows down the liquefaction of starch, hydrolysis occurs under conditions of increased viscosity. Based on the conducted research, proposed a technology with two temperature pauses of 20 minutes each at temperatures of 59…60 °C and 90 °C and the next 30-minute heat treatment at 120 °C. As a result of an experimental study of this technology, it was established that the use of such a temperature regime during the production of maltodextrins makes it possible to simplify the technology with a stepwise increase in temperature and at the same time ensures the production of quality product with thermoreversible properties. Due to the simplicity of its implementation, the developed technology can be widely implemented in industry. On the basis of the developed technology, its hardware and technological design is proposed


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How to Cite
DEMENYUK, O., & KARPOVYCH, I. (2023). MALTODEXTRINS AS PRODUCTS OF STARCH BIOCONVERSION. Science Bulletin of Poltava University of Economics and Trade. Series "Technical Sciences", (2), 17-23.